| Breaking News-Google Exec Wael Ghonim Gets Egyptian Slap Then Is Freed. Google executive Wael Ghonim, who was credited with helping organize Egyptian protests, has been freed after being abducted on the streets of Cairo back on January 25th.
The Wael Ghonim abduction was caught on video and is shown below. Google has not commented on the matter as of yet. Ghonim is credited with organizing some of the Egyptian protests both online and offline. It isn’t exactly clear at this point as to who took him and why. The good news is that he has since been freed. Some speculate that it was Egyptian police officers in plain clothes that were responsible for the abduction.
What are your thoughts on the Wael Ghonim abduction? Do you think his abduction had anything to do with him working for Google? While it’s certainly good that the Google exec has been freed, one can’t help but think that this abduction now gives a whole new meaning to the term Google slap.
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