| Breaking News-Is Planned Parenthood A Partner In Crime In The Sex Trafficking Business? The first thing you should know before reading this article or watching this video is that Planned Parenthood receives $300 million dollars in taxpayer money from the federal government each year. To be fair, they do provide critical services such as testing for HIV and STD’s, but it becomes apparent in the video that they may not always follow the letter of the law especially when it comes to minors.Known as the Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp’s Underage Sex Ring video, what should concern parents of teens around the country is the way the organization seems to go out of its way to get around state laws requiring them to notify parents or get consent for abortions. One strategy Planned Parenthood recommends to its patients is called a judicial bypass which allows a minor to go to court, be represented by an attorney for no fee, and ask that she not have to inform her parents. A judge then rules whether or not the minor is mature enough to make the decision to get an abortion for herself. This brilliant decision was made by the Supreme Court in 1992 broadening a woman’s (or girl’s) right to an abortion.
The Planned Parenthood undercover video is also disturbing because even though the worker is told the girls are underage, illegal immigrants, and involved in the sex trade, she makes no effort to report the ‘pimp” to authorities. Again in fairness, Planned Parenthood stated that this worker has since been let go and in no way is she representative of typical policies and procedures. However, there are many other Planned Parenthood undercover videos by Live Action Films that bring into question ethical concerns over their routine practices. Despite the coverage and attention that has been given to this matter, the question that remains is how long will taxpayers continue to fork over $300 million taxpayer dollars a year for Planned Parenthood to perform over 300,000 abortions each year–many of them on minors.
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