| Breaking News-Buy Iodide Pills Online-Where To Buy Potassium Iodine Tablets Online. A video from the U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin went out urging Americans to “Be Prepared.” While some people in government have downplayed the possible effects of nuclear reactor fallout from Japan’s Fukushima plant, at least the surgeon general is urging Americans to take precaution.Where to buy iodide pills or potassium iodine online is what many U.S. citizens are asking themselves. Many stores on the west coast in states such as California, Oregon and Washington have reported that they have run out of iodine table supplies so many consumers are looking online. At the end of this story we will provide a link where you can buy iodide pills online from a trusted U.S. retailer.
Iodine pills help the body boost resistance to the effects of radiation on the thyroid which is affected by the fallout. Reports have not been clear on the condition of the Japanese Fukushima nuclear reactor plant, but images from video seem to tell the story. What is unclear is how much radiation has leaked out from the inner cores which actually store the radioactive material that is harmful to the public. Japan has evacuated a 12 mile radius around the plant. Other experts say a radius of 20 miles should be cleared. Many outside Japan are applauding the efforts of the Fukushima workers that are putting their life in danger. Some say, at this point, the workers are sacrificing themselves for the country of Japan. On a scale of 1-7, with 7 being the worst, this nuclear reactor event is currently being rated a 6, with no positive outcome in sight.
Potassium iodine pills have been flying off the shelves of west coast stores because U.S. residents are fearful some of the radioactive fallout from the Fukushima plants could reach the U.S. As the surgeon general stated, U.S. residents should be as prepared as possible. One online retailer reported a 650% increase in sales. Watch the video below that gives the surgen general’s warning. Then, after consulting a doctor, if you still want to purchase iodide online, you can buy potassium iodine tablets
here for peace of mind.
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