| Breaking News-Is Japan Fukushima Reactor Facing Meltdown Like Chernobyl Disaster? As if the disaster of the Japan earthquake and tsunami wasn’t enough, now the Fukushima reactor plant is facing a possible meltdown after heating up over the past 24 hours. Reports are unclear at this point, but as evidenced in the video below, there was an explosion at the Tokyo Electric Power plant.
The Fukushima reactor heated up after the Japan earthquake damaged the nuclear plant’s ability to cool the radiation and fuel rods inside the plant. Part of the problem was that the site lost power to pump water in and out of the reactors to cool them down. Diesel generators were being used to pump water in but those also failed for some reason. One report said the nuclear plant was using sea water to try to cool down the reactor. However, as the temperature continued to rise in the plant, pressure built up. Engineers were planning to release some of the pressure in the form of steam that would have contained small amounts of radiation. Experts say that radiation is turned into oxygen after about five seconds due to a chemical reaction when it hits the air. However, before the pressure could be released, the explosion occurred. Reports say that although the outer structure had been damaged by the explosion, the inner reactor that houses the radiation had not been breached.
The possible Fukushima reactor meltdown brought back unfortunate memories to survivors of the Three Mile Island and the Chernobyl disaster. Although radiation levels outside the plant were reported to be 8 times higher than normal and over 1000 times higher than normal inside the plant, it seems engineers appear to have some control over the situation. Residents around the plant have been attempting to evacuate but the roads are backed-up and damaged from the earthquake. What’s unnerving is the effect the radiation levels could be having on the employees inside the reactor as well as the possible consequences to residents in the nearby community. Regardless, we hope and pray that the scientists and engineers regain control of the Fukushima nuclear power reactor in Japan and avoid a total meltdown.
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